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Basic1 CE

Today's Radiator: Historic Integrity Paired with Optimal Heating Performance

This course features the cast-iron radiator. We’ll discuss the history and beauty of the radiator. Most importantly, we’ll talk about how a century-old product can deliver a modern, energy-efficient heating system with less environmental impact than other options.
GBCI: 0920029677
Continuing education: 1 CE
AIA credit: 1 LU/HSW
Completions: 99


  1. Discuss the history of the cast-iron radiator and its contribution to buildings for over a century.
  2. Explain the types of heat transfer and how the radiator warms a room more effectively while reducing energy consumption.
  3. Describe the radiator restoration process including the steps to electrification. Explain how the electric radiator supports today’s multi-zone management.
  4. Understand the radiator’s contribution to green building as the ultimate re-use example. Explain the product’s closed-loop life-cycle, reduced embodied carbon, and lower energy consumption.
  5. Describe a case study and third-party analysis of the energy and cost savings after restoration and electrification of a church’s historic radiators.


Jason Savage


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